Person | Offences | Allegiance | Occupation After Involvement | Notes |
Wernher von Braun | Membership of the SS, slave labor, abuse of prisoners, Development of the V2 rocket | Nazi Germany ![]() ![]() |
Director of the Marshall space flight center at Nasa. chief architect of saturn V rocket | recipient of "Knights Cross of the War Merit Cross with Swords" in 1944, National medal of Science in 1975 |
Albert Schnez | Headed the "transport services" in southern Ukraine & later in Romania(1944) | Nazi Germany ![]() ![]() |
Generalleutnant, Inspector of the army | Recieved the German Cross in Gold in 1944. Creator of the Schnez-Truppe, A paramilitary of Wehrmacht and SS veterans. Provided black lists of potentially left leaning individuals to the German intelligence service, In one instance profiling a police officer as a "half-jew". accused of nazism by the dutch government |
Adolf Heusinger | Service to Nazi germany, 3rd in the planning hierarchy for most of the war. Briefly chief of the OKH general staff. | Nazi Germany ![]() ![]() |
Chairman of the NATO Military Committee, General in the Bundeswehr | Wanted by the Soviet Union for war crimes. Supported & possibly involved in building the Schnez-Truppe. |
Kurt Waldheim | Oberleutnant in the wehrmacht. Admitted to knowing about atrocities committed against Serbs and yugoslavs, claimed "Yes, I knew. I was horrified. But what could I do? I had either to continue to serve or be executed.". Office was stationed a few hundered meters from an execution site in Operation kozara. was 35 Kilometers from The Jasenovac concentration camp. denied knowledge of atrocities. Reviewed & Approved anti-semetic propaganda leaflets to be dropped behind soviet lines. Stationed 8km from Thessaloniki, a city that had 1/3rd of its jewish population sent to auschwitz in weeks. Lied about his military record. | Nazi Germany ![]() |
Secretary General of the UN for 9 years. President of austria for 6 years. | Recieved Iron Cross, 2nd class. |
Augusto Pinochet | Overthrow of a democratically elected government(made possible only thanks to the USA). executed thousands, tortured tens of thousands. Threw people in concentration camps. Major part in the creation of Operation Condor which oversaw the murder of tens of thousands and imprisonment of hundereds of thousands. Banned trade unions. Sold government property to private hands, and gave lower prices to connected buyers, including his son in law. amassed at least US$28M through corruption and embezzlement. | Chile ![]() |
Dictator of chile, see offences. | Was arrested in 1998, released on 2000,, placed into house arrest in 2004 but died before being convicted(2006). |
Otto Skorzeny | Obersturmbannführer in the Waffen-SS, Rescued mussolini from captivity, Was one of hitlers bodyguards, creation of the Paladin group), a far right military organisation. | Nazi Germany ![]() ![]() |
Mossadnik | At no point in his life did Skorzeny ever denounce Nazism, His funerals in Madrid and Vienna were attended by former SS colleagues who gave the Hitler salute and sang some of Hitler's favourite songs. Assisted up to 600 members of the SS to escape justice, including Mengele. US authorities were aware |
Person | Offences | Allegiance | Occupation After Involvement | Notes |
Boris Yeltsin | Although over 75% of its citizen voted to preserve it, Yeltsin Illegally dissolved the USSR By hiding his intentions and lying to the people. Death toll over 15 million & counting in ukraine and russia alone. Policies so terrible by 1995, despite strong anticommunist bias in the media, The people wanted them back.He had to Weaponise the media, abuse his position as president, use tax money to buy votes, recieved a loan from the IMF and even commit voter fraud to win 1996 elections. Before US Intervertion, yeltsin was favoured only by 6% of electors. 60% believed he was corrupt, 65% believed he wrecked the economy. Commited a Violent coup detat against the democratically elected Supreme soviet, Congress of peoples deputies And the regional & local councils due to them impeaching him. Protests broke out as a result and were violently suppressed by the armed forces. Invaded and committed war crimes in chechnia |
Russia ![]() |
(Illegal) President of russia | GDP collapsed during his whole presidency bar 2 years, with 1 year having stagnation while the other a slight recovery. GDP per capita went from 31,947 USD in 1989 to 18,053 in 1999, with massive inequality. as of 2019, the median person earns less then 5K$ per year then in 1991. 2019 earning is 18,471$. adjusted for inflation & PPP.approval rating of 6% in 1995. US fixed the 1996 election, Helped break the august coup |
Hans Speidel | Supported the building of the Schnez-Truppe. As a result of a wave of resistance in france, Justified in a report the execution of 100 hostages, the deportation of 1000 jews, 500 young communists, Fining the jews of paris by one billion francs, and threatening the french public with more deportations | Nazi Germany ![]() ![]() |
General in the bundeswehr, Commander-in-Chief of NATO forces in Central Europe for circa 6 years. | Part of the 20 july plot. nationalist conservative. |
Franz Halder | One of the main planners of the Invasion of Poland, France and USSR, Ordering the genocide of Jews, ordering the execution and ethnic genocide of Poles, ordering the execution and genocide of Soviet citizens (mostly non-combatants), White-washing the history of Nazi Germany. General and Chief of Staff of Army High Command (OKH) from 1938 until his replacement in 1942, Ordered his staff to draft the Commissar Order (allowing the immediate execution of Commissars identified amongst captured soldiers) and the Barbarossa Decree (allowing the execution of any Soviet citizens by troops without fear of reprecussions) | Nazi Germany ![]() ![]() |
Lead consultant for the US Army Historical Division | recieved the medal Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross from Adolf Hitler and the Meritorious Civillian Service Award by JFK. He oversaw the writing of over 2,500 historical documents by over 700 former Nazi officers, whom he instructed to remove material detrimental to the image of the German armed forces. the US knew about his apologia but overlooked it. |
Person | Offences | Allegiance | Punishment | After Involvement | Notes |
Albert Speer | Part of hitlers inner circle. Responsible for evicting jews from their homes in berlin. Minister of Armaments & war production, Later armaments & munitions. Slave labour. Creation of the Jägerstab. According to "Speer: Hitler's Architect", intimately involved in the final solution. The speer myth he built helped foster sympathy for nazis. Personally allocated resources to expand Auschwitz, fully aware of its purpose, being involved in its creation in a major way, 'Heinrich Breloer, discussing the construction of Auschwitz, said Speer was not just a cog in the work—he was the "terror itself"'(Sic, from his wiki page). actively worked to prolong the war as much as possible, causing the deaths of millions. | Nazi Germany ![]() |
20 years in jail | Allowed to spread his lies after release, becoming a popular figure. | Buried in Heidelberg |
Person | Offences | Allegiance | After Involvement | Notes |
Walter Model | Indicted by the soviets for the deaths of 577,000 people in concentration camps in Latvia and the deportation of 175,000 others as slave labor. " harangued his troops to have faith in the Führer and uphold the virtues of National Socialism.". Personally oversaw anti-partisan operations. followed a scorched earth policy in his retreats. Had a Waffen-SS officer as his adjustant in 1944. | Nazi Germany ![]() |
Moved from a field grave dug at his location of suicide to a military graveyard in germany in 1955 | Was rude & verbally abusive, nicknamed 'Frontline Pig' (Frontschwein) by his subordinates. Hitler stated Model was "my best field marshal"(sic) and "the saviour of the Eastern Front"(sic). |